In 1936, a decision was taken to combine the collections of the two museums, establishing the Museum of Literature and Theatre in doing so. The new museum was set up on the fifth floor of a building on Krišjāņa Barona iela – a building that currently houses the Museum of Natural History.

The items listed serve as a testimony to Emīls Dārziņš's life and death; however, the method by which they were selected and the way they were described reflects the role and the type of life that Emīls Dārziņš's mother assumed after her son's death.

Eduarda Veidenbauma memoriālajā muzejā “Kalāči” no 15. maija līdz 15. oktobrim (Liepas pagasts, Priekuļu novads) būs apskatāma Rakstniecības un mūzikas muzeja izstāde “Eduards Veidenbaums – neiespējamais dzejnieks”. Atklāšanas pasākums notiks 15. maijā, plkst.13.00. “Savas dzīves laikā Veidenbaums un viņa dzeja dzīvoja ārpus “rāmjiem””, stāsta izstādes koncepcijas autors Marians…

Due to a number of circumstances, the Museum of Literature and Music (MLM) has been in search of a new home for a long time. But we can now say with certainty that from 2022 the exhibits and exhibitions of the MLM will be housed at 6 Mārstaļu iela in Riga Old Town.

On 28th September, 1929, only sixteen days after Rainis passed away, the Rainis Museum was opened on the premises of the manor. Work on creating the museum had begun earlier that year, and the poet had taken an active part in the preparations.

That is how the Museum of Literature came to be," wrote Jānis Greste, who can be considered the founding father of the museum.

We invite you to join us for a literary walk through Bille's Rīga. On this walk, we will travel in time to the Grīziņkalns district in the 1930s, and compare our own childhoods with the childhood of a working man's daughter, Bille – a fictional character created by Vizma Belševica.

Rakstniecības un mūzikas muzejs (RMM) 23. augustā rīkoja Skujenieku pāra sarakstei veltītu "Mēneša priekšmeta" sarunu “Kā humora izjūta palīdz izturēt neizturamo?” “Birojnīcā” ar dzejnieku Knutu Skujenieku, mākslinieku Vilipsōnu, kultūras socioloģi, Dr. soc. Dagmāru Beitneri – Le Gallu, RMM mākslas ekspertu, augusta “Mēneša priekšmeta” stāsta autoru Marianu Rižiju. Sarunu moderēja Liega Piešiņa.